My CWC-FPRA Mentor Story: A Terrific Trio of PR Pros

By Alyssa Holcomb, CWC-FPRA Board, Communications Committee

Author’s Note: This entry is the first in CWC-FPRA’s new blog series about the mentors our members have found through FPRA. As mentees share who has shaped their life and career, we’ll be then spotlighting their mentors’ stories to encourage a snowball effect of gratitude and “paying it forward.” Cheers!

To be part of FPRA, and the Central “Best” Coast chapter, means a lot of things. It means connecting with some of the best and brightest communications pros in the state. It means fostering new skills and widening perspectives on the ever-changing landscape of this all-encompassing field. It means believing in yourself and in others that we have the power to shape the future of what communications means in our jobs, in our communities, and in our lives.

Over the past decade, I have been involved on and off with our chapter. I’ve changed jobs, gone to graduate school out of state, and experienced different life circumstances that have all impacted how much I was able to participate in the organization. But one thing has always brought me back into the fray: the community this chapter has built.

In the fall of 2015, I attended my very first CWC-FPRA event and met three women who would shape not only my view of what the chapter represents, but also what makes a top tier communications professional, and frankly, person. It was there that I met three (now) past presidents of our chapter: Lynn Hobeck Bates, APR, CPRC; Mischa Kirby, APR; and Elise Ramer, APR, CPRC. If I am (hopefully) remembering correctly, Lynn was serving as chapter president. Mischa was gearing up for her term as president the following year. Elise was circling the start of her tenure on the state board.. Though different in their professions and perspectives, these women impressed upon me something immediate during that time: openness. All of them were incredibly welcoming, willing to take the time to get to know me. To make sure that I was settling in okay. To ask me about my background. It meant a lot to a fresh college grad at her first “big girl” comms job. It meant a lot to a woman who was (then) unsure of what she wanted to do in the field she had studied for years. It meant a lot to a person who was looking for a place to be accepted, encouraged, and valued while navigating the relatively new world of adulthood.

Rather than wax (even more) poetic about how much I value these three women and their impact on me, I’ll share my favorite moments – at least, so far! – with each of them.

  • Lynn and I explored Universal Studios together at the (then) 2017 Annual Conference. We sat next to each other on rides, we explored Diagon Alley together, and we had a blast. I got to know Lynn beyond luncheons and professional development events. After that, I asked if she would be willing to coach me while I worked on submitting my very first Image Award entry. Since then, Lynn has (graciously) served as a proofreader for each local and state Image Award entry I have submitted, some of which I’ve been fortunate enough to win. She is always patient and understanding, even when challenges present themselves. Her positivity is her beacon, and it shines in both her work and her person.

  • Mischa handed me my very first local Image Award at the chapter’s awards celebration in 2017. She whispered a discreet “Congratulations!” as we posed together for a picture. She continued to provide encouraging words, both then and throughout the interactions we’ve had since. She encouraged me to join the whole chapter on stage at the 2017 Annual Conference when we won Chapter of the Year – even though I felt I hadn’t been involved enough to earn a spot up there. She has been quick to connect when I’ve emailed her after a long time away, and always offers a kind word at events. Her quiet steadiness is both inspirational and comforting to me.

  • Elise gives me a hug every time I see her. We always share a knowing glance, like we have an epic, awesome secret to share. When I attended the 2022 Golden Image Awards ceremony at the state conference, Elise welcomed me back with open arms (literally) and, to my great surprise, started a standing ovation when I accepted an award that night. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. I was touched then, and I am touched now by her adamant support, even when I thought that I would be making new introductions after years of not being involved. She is a titan of her industry, and her power is eclipsed, if only slightly, by her innate kindness.

When I was searching for pictures to accompany piece, I stumbled across what is quite literally the perfect picture to represent the four of us. We are gathered around a giant Golden Image award, each of us holding our own hardware. We’re smiling big and dreaming bigger. I was reminded by looking at this picture just how much fun FPRA is. I’ve made some incredible friends, encouraging mentors, and lifelong colleagues through this organization, and these three women embody all three. (Plus, three is my lucky number, and it couldn’t get more kismet than this.)

I’m overjoyed to shine a spotlight on these three outstanding women, all of whom have guided and inspired me to pursue greatness in my personal and professional life. To know them is to know kindness, enthusiasm, and a whole lot of FUN. After all, what’s a career in communications without some reliable comrades?

Have a mentor story to share? We can’t wait to hear about and highlight the incredible professionals that make CWC-FPRA stand out. If you’d like to submit a story, please e-mail Amanda Heisey at

Ready to find your own tribe of comms pros? Email Jen Hemmerdinger to learn more about membership: