Past Presidents – Where are they now?

Where In The World Are The CWC-FPRA Part Presidents?

Terri Behling, APR, CPRCTerri Behling, APR, CPRC

Year of Presidency: 2000 – 2001

Where are you now? Just moved to San Antonio, TX! Actively job searching in a new city!

What FPRA means to you? FPRA means to me: Friendship, professionalism, professional development, memories I will cherish for a lifetime.

What was your biggest accomplishment or Ah-ha moment as president of the CWC-FPRA? I was new to the chapter when I became President-Elect (only in chapter and Florida for about 9 months…). I was so excited to be involved and soak in as much information and professional development as possible. I had a degree in journalism and wanted to make sure I was on a path to become the best PR professional I could be. While serving as president-elect, our chapter president announced she was moving to Illinois. Even though I didn’t have a full year to prepare to become president, I leaned on our Board and other FPRA members to help us through the transition. I am proud of our accomplishments and learned a lot about leadership during this time of my career. If I had to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat! Serving as chapter president led to several other leadership roles in FPRA, including serving as FPRA State President in 2016-17.

Favorite book or website that you recommend to PR professionals: Any book with case studies…reading about real-life crisis situations and how companies handle the situation is priceless!