Member Spotlight: Lauren Meyer

Lauren Meyer

Lauren Meyer
Communications Specialist 
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens

What was your first job in PR?

My first job in PR was an internship I received when I graduated from Florida State University at Viva Green Homes, a start-up green home technology company.  This was the first time I was really involved in pitching and developing content that would be appealing to reporters at a national level.  Luckily, I had some experience in reporting and media in college, which helped me develop my skills as a future PR professional. I received my first full-time job as Communication Coordinator with CareerEdge Funders Collaborative, which is when I had my first experience doing PR and marketing for a non-profit in Sarasota.
What’s your #MyFPRA story?

I actually just started my FPRAstory in January 2019! After attending a luncheon with my supervisor, and fellow FPRAmember, Lynn Hobeck Bates, I discovered that I could really learn a lot from the members and the professional development opportunities that came from FPRA.  I am really excited to network, learn, and grow as a member of FPRA!

What’s your dream job?My dream job is to work at a place that supports my creative and professional development and helps me to further my passions. In the same respect, it has been a dream to join the Selby Gardens marketing team.  We really have a chance to share so many different stories and experiences, and all while promoting the beauty of our surroundings right on Sarasota Bay, enveloped by thousands of tropical plants.