A Message From The President

Message from the President

Dear CWC-FPRA members and friends:

As I reflect on 2018, I am proud that our CWC-FPRA chapter hosted seven professional development and networking luncheons, recognized the best of the best in public relations at our annual Image Awards celebration, held a half-day seminar focusing on ethical public relations practices, hosted a sold-out media breakfast, and collaborated with the Sarasota Chamber of Commerce to share tips and best practices of public relations. The chapter also helped six people attend FPRA’s annual state conference in Pointe Vedra Beach. Wow!

It’s been an amazing year – and we’re not stopping any time soon. Your chapter board has a phenomenal lineup of programs coming to you in 2019.

In August, I challenged you to get out of your comfort zone and our programming in January is designed to do just that. We encourage you to make 2019 the year you earn your accreditation in public relations: join other public relations professionals at a half-day workshop designed to help you to succeed in earning your APR. We are also hosting a workshop on how to write an award-winning Image Award entry. More information on both of these workshops is below.

I invite you to send me a note if you have an idea for programming, or a suggestion to just have some plain old fun! Our board is always looking for ideas to keep our members engaged.

Warmest wishes for a joyous holiday season and a healthy New Year!

Rhonda Leiberick, APR